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«Smirnoff» выпустил новый неожиданный вкус традиционного напитка! 23 April 2013

Сегмент: Производители товара

Категория ароматизированной водки в Великобритании оценивается в 88 млн. фунтов стерлингов (в розничном канале и в барах, клубах и ресторанах). Производитель водки «Smirnoff Espresso» предлагает новым и существующим потребителям бренда «Smirnoff» неожиданный вкус традиционного напитка. Запуск новинки призван привлечь более широкую аудиторию к сегменту. Запуск «Smirnoff Espresso» на рынок сопровождается интегрированной маркетинговой кампанией, состоящей из дегустаций и пиар-акций на точках продаж.

Компания публикации:

Россия Украина
Diageo is the world's leading premium drinks business with an outstanding collection of beverage alcohol brands across spirits, beer and wine. These brands include Johnnie Walker, Crown Royal, J&B, Windsor, Buchanan's and Bushmills whiskies, Smirnoff, Ciroc and Ketel One vodkas, Baileys, Captain Morgan, Jose Cuervo, Tanqueray and Guinness. Many of our brands have been around for generations, while some have been developed more recently to meet new consumer tastes and experiences. Our great range of brands and geographic spread means that people can celebrate with our products at every occasion no matter where they are in the world. This is why 'celebrating life every day, everywhere' is at the core of what we do. Trading in approximately 180 markets, we employ over 25,000 talented people around the world. With offices in 80 countries, we also have manufacturing facilities across the globe including Great Britain, Ireland, United States, Canada, Spain, Italy, Africa, Latin America, Australia, India and the Caribbean. And the people who work for us across these markets really care for the legacy of each of our brands. We want them to be enjoyed by consumers for generations to come, which means we also take our role as a producer of alcohol very seriously. Diageo is at the forefront of industry efforts to promote responsible drinking.