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JP Chenet
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JP Chenet

Территориальное местонахождение 1, rue de la Division Leclerc 67290 Petersbach
Краткое описание Following his artistic and entrepreneurial spirit, in 1984 Joseph Helfrich designed a bottle with a revolutionary shape. He named it Jos?phine. It stood out from the crowd with its original curves, slanted neck and generous body. It represented a genuine challenge at the time as a special bottling chain needed to be built for it. The first brand of French wine was born and its name was JP Chenet.

To set itself even further apart from the far too traditional French market, JP Chenet focused its communication on the grape variety rather than the appellation. Initially, the brand offered two wines, a Pays d’Oc Cabernet Sauvignon and a Blanc de Blancs which was a blend of Colombard and white Ugni from the Gascony hillsides.
A veritable pioneer in the south of France, JP Chenet developed partnerships with the cooperative wineries to ensure the durability and quality of the wines. Together, they defined the style of the wines well before the harvest to ensure consistency regardless of the vintage.
JP Chenet wines are tracked, controlled and monitored from the vine itself, always providing the delicious fruity aspect that characterises it so well !
The wines won over the German market first before being exported to the Netherlands and Scandinavia. Still booming, the brand quickly became synonymous with pleasure and conviviality. Its range extended to bi-varietal wines in the early 1990s to meet growing demand. Cabernet-Syrah was born and was to remain the most prized of the range.
Производители товара

Производители товара

Регионы, в которых ищет дистрибьюторов/сети/оптовые базы /экспортеров/ производителей сырья

УкраинаУкраина (Винницкая, Волынская, Днепропетровская, Донецкая, Житомирская, Закарпатская, Запорожская, Ивано-Франковская, Киевская, Кировоградская, АР Крым, Луганская, Львовская, Николаевская, Одесская, Полтавская, Ровенская, Сумская, Тернопольская, Харьковская, Херсонская, Черкасская, Черниговская, Черновицкая, Хмельницкая)

Контактные данные (показать)
Просмотров: 51

Коммерческий директор (НТО) компании (Ф.И.О.): Romain Mesnil
Телефоны коммерческого директора: +33(0) 388 71 74 19
E-mail коммерческого директора:
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Веб-сайт компании: http://www.jpchenet.com/

О продукции

Продукция: wines
Маржинальность, %: 25


Дополнительная информация: Today, from France to China via Canada, over 160 nationalities enjoy our wines every day. According to a recent study by Wine Intelligence from a representative sample of 14,200,000 wine consumers of 8 different nationalities, J.P. Chenet is the 2nd most enjoyed wine in the world.
ТМ продукции: J.P Chenet