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ProdExport Ltd
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ProdExport Ltd

Территориальное местонахождение Украина, Одесская
Краткое описание A Leading exporter of poultry in Ukraine with a team of highly qualified professionals.

We guarantee the high quality of our products, which meet the various requirements of our customers all over the world.

Each member of Prodexport staff is responsible for specific area of duties. Combining all our efforts we are able to provide an excellent service with an individual approach to each client.

Looking at the results of our work we can proudly announce our achievements.

We export different food products of Ukrainian, Russian and Moldavian origin all over the world.

High quality of our products has been established on the markets of Africa, Middle East and Asia.
We are pleased to realize that our partners are the biggest and most famous importers of poultry, pork and chicken eggs in different countries and we are always open to develop business with new markets, new clients and new opportunities.

Besides the present range of food products being shipped to our partners nowadays, our export department has been also developing new product categories demanded in different markets like:

So, what are the reasons to start cooperation with our company?

Prodexport Ltd is not just a trading company, and it is also a producer of some of the products.
We can offer to our clients the whole range of services necessary for successful export from Ukraine, Russia and Moldavia. All our client has to do is to come to the port of destination and pick up the container from the port.

Our company takes care of all the working details necessary and obligatory for successful cooperation:

We have our own cold storage with several freezing cameras where we store our products;
We pack goods according to our clients` demands ;
We make the complete set of export documents for the cargo;
We make sampling for the veterinarian expertise;
We take care of the document procedure with survey companies (BIVAC, SGS, Cotecna );
We cooperate with the associations which issue additional certificates for Africa and Middle East, like FERI certificate ,CNCA Certificate and HALAL Certificate;
We also assist with document legalization for Middle East market;

We will be happy to satisfy all your requests!


Регионы, в которых ищет производителей товара/производителей сырья/импортеров/дистрибьюторов/сети/оптовые базы

УкраинаУкраина (Винницкая, Волынская, Днепропетровская, Донецкая, Житомирская, Закарпатская, Запорожская, Ивано-Франковская, Киевская, Кировоградская, АР Крым, Луганская, Львовская, Николаевская, Одесская, Полтавская, Ровенская, Сумская, Тернопольская, Харьковская, Херсонская, Черкасская, Черниговская, Черновицкая, Хмельницкая)

Регионы, в которых нужно представлять интересы

УкраинаУкраина (Винницкая, Волынская, Днепропетровская, Донецкая, Житомирская, Закарпатская, Запорожская, Ивано-Франковская, Киевская, Кировоградская, АР Крым, Луганская, Львовская, Николаевская, Одесская, Полтавская, Ровенская, Сумская, Тернопольская, Харьковская, Херсонская, Черкасская, Черниговская, Черновицкая, Хмельницкая)

Контактные данные (показать)
Просмотров: 98

Телефоны коммерческого директора: Ирина
E-mail коммерческого директора:
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Фактический адрес складов: г.Одесса, ул Космонавтов 36, оф 417
Другая контактная информация: tel: +38 (093) 474-91-31
+38 (093) 647-55-78

О продукции

Продукция: 1) Pork

Front feet 12 kg/box
Hind feet 11 kg/box
Stomach 17 kg/box
Heads (without ears and jowls) 15 kg/poly bag
Ears 10 kg/box
Snouts 11-12 kg/box
Tails 11-12kg/box
Larynx 14 kg/block
Trachea 15 kg/block
Moon bone
Bones unsorted 25 kg/bag
Jowls 11 kg/block
Lungs 11 kg/block
Diaphragm 14 kg/block
Liver 15 kg/box
Spleen 14 kg/block
Flare fat 14.5 block
head meat 15 kg/block

2) Walnuts

halves (butterfly);

3) Honey

4) Confectionary

Chocolate bars

5) Chicken

Chicken leg quarter

Chicken fillet

Whole broiler chicken (HALAL)

Layer hen

Chicken wing 1,2 phalanx (cut and mixed)

Chicken wing 1+2 phalanx(whole)

Wing tips


Chicken feet


Chicken skin

Mechanically Deboned Meat (MDM)

6) Egg products


Egg powder

7) Blended Butter / Butter Spread

Fat content: 85.5%, 82.5%, 72.5%, 62%
Milk fat content: <10%,15%,20%, 25 %,30%, 40%
Package: Carton boxes: 5 kg 10kg 25 kg

Маржинальность, %: 30


Готовы ли рассматривать работу с новым производителем/дистрибьютором/экспортером/импортером: Да
Партнеры: Alibaba

Sial Group


Какие товары готовы еще экспортировать?: All products